Paul Smith knitting?
This is a depth of field exercise. Really. Definitely not a thinly veiled show off blip of the knitting needle roll I made this morning. And I'm certainly not going to carry on the thread (geddit) by telling you about the needle roll I made for my daughter, and the two cushion covers I made out of the rest of the fabric shown in the pic after Mr B commented that it was "a bit Paul Smith".
This flurry of domestic activity is really an attempt to avoid the inevitable moment when I admit that I have a really bad cold and give in to the temptation of inactivity, sofa, lemsip, blanket and chocolate. Mr B's away next week and it's not a great time to be poorly.
(Do you see what I did there? Now you feel all sorry for me and have forgotten all about the blatant showing off.)
But really, don't those needles look all lovely and neat lined up like that? Now I'll have to dig out all those old grey metal ones too and fill the roll up properly.
For fans of blurry pictures of late night snacks, the only picture I took yesterday is backblipped here. Off to dinner tonight at our lovely neighbours (who just happen to run a wonderful restaurant) so I'll be hiding in a corner far from other people for fear of infecting them.
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