Spring (one day only)
Suddenly, everything seemed more spring like today. I'm sure it'll be winter again tomorrow but today, even despite nursing a horrible cold, I managed a couple of short trips outside without a coat... Lovely sunshine. And beautiful snowdrops. I remember clearing the snow away from mum's snowdrops when I was a kid so they could poke through. No danger of that today in North Berwick.
Snowdrops are in the same place in my brain as peas and those small seedless grapes, and mache lettuce: green, succulent, spring-like. Not that I'm going to eat them or anything.
As you can probably tell from all the wurbling on about nothing, today was a low-achievement day. Managed to get photos done of Conor at the local pharmacy for his new passport. The lady managed to click just at the brief moment between broad grins (he found being told that he wasn't allowed to smile hilarious). It looks appropriately embarrassing and nothing like him - so just right for a passport then.
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