
By Farmerboab

A load of bulls

It must be Monday! Everyone back to school this morning( Hurrah ! ). Spent morning sorting out bulls and running them out to their lots of cows with the trailer. Not a job for the faint hearted,as once you have 7 bulls in the yard they are likely to start fighting each other and go off like rockets whether you are in the way or not.
A lorry in to collect the 28 store cattle we have sold,then me and the collie had a rushed run up the M9 to Stirling to the Bull Sales.
Anything I liked I could't afford. The one I had my eye on made 11,000Gns.
Settled for a cheaper version. Managed to lock the keys in the Landrover too!After a bit of guddling with a bit of wire down the window ,managed to get going and home by 9.30pm.
This was one of 3 British Blues for sale today. I got a Blonde d'Aquataine instead.

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