Life with Alice

By elirin

Do You Have Treats??

I always know when mum has treats on her person. I try looking puzzled - but why can't I have one, it's unfair, you don't even like them - or putting on my Please, please look I'm cute-face. This most of the time does not work. I have to figure out What she wants me to Do at that precise moment, and that, let me tell you, is not always easy.

For some reason, mum changed her decision not to walk through the sheep pen before winter. The ones with lambs were gone from the huge field, so we thought the smaller one would also be empty. Not so much. I think they might have been the senior citizen-sheep, and we were on their turf. Literally. I had a silent stare-out competition with the alpha sheep, and I won. Rain, mud and sheep poo combined - I'm surprised I got away with leg washing today.

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