
By tpd


A remarkably productive day at the coal face today along with lunch from NK meant the day went by very quickly. Later leaving because I was trying to finally finish a long running project only to hit one last hurdle. Darn. More tomorrow.

Cycled in which meant taking a suit with me - as the other suit and trousers in the office are currently being cleaned. Got to work, shower, got changed when I noticed a small mark on the leg of the trousers; it looked like a small bit of fluff but turned out to be a small hole. And then it suddenly dawned on me... I recall seeing some very small silvery moths in the flat and I've not worn this suit in a while... I'm now officially moth eaten.

Fortunately the hole is only small but I'm now wondering about having everything that was in the wardrobe dry cleaned. I think the majority of the clothes should be fine because they were all washed and ironed frequently - the heat will kill the munching larvae - but this suit wasn't. Damn.

Surprisingly warm still - 16C today - so the cycling was hot, damn hot. New bike hooks for the shed ordered (the excitement!) and confirmation that the Pentax is being repaired and should be done in a fortnight. Sob.

+1/3 was telling me about his ICT lesson at school today - they're starting on basic HTML as a way of learning programming, how the internet works, etc. Pretty exciting stuff! He claims to want to learn C++ but really? We'll see...

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