The Day Maeve Went to Jail

It has rained all day. Sometimes light, sometimes heavier.

Apothecary7 suggested that we go through to Inverary and visit Inverary Jail. We had been before, and enjoyed it. We remembered that there was a sign saying dogs welcome so Maeve the Deerhound came too. On the way though to Inverary we stopped at the Quarry View garden centre and cafe and had a very nice lunch. Excellent soup.

The first part of the jail visit is the courtroom, and as you can see I was sitting in the public gallery behind the accused when Maeve popped up beside me to have a look. The permanent viewer beside me seemed to get quite a start :-)

We enjoyed the visit very much, and Maeve managed the flights of stone steps in both the old prison and the new prison quite easily with a little supervision round the tight turns on the way down. Three  of the staff members, one playing the part of a prisoner, enjoyed meeting Maeve too.

We got back to our holiday cottage before dark with the rain still falling ... and looks like it will be again tomorrow.

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