
By CanonEyes

Meet the Professionals.

Fun and games down at the shops today. A film crew were shooting in our local Charity Shop. There were lots of big trucks containing loads of equipment, and heavy power cables all over the place. I believe it's for a full length movie.
I couldn't snap when there was action so this shot during a break was about the best I could do. I worked for a year as an extra on the Tudors T.V. series so I know what you can and cannot do. I felt like nicking one of those tripods, but that's one of the things that ain't allowed.
The locals were having mighty fun with the film crew. There were about ten of them sitting outside the Spar shop, some of them on chairs they had brought across from their houses. Spar was doing a grand trade in coffee, and some of the comments were priceless.

Had a magic gig last night. About three weeks ago one of the local pubs closed down. The clientele have been gradually drifting into our pub, particularly on Wednesday night. They are a decent group of mature people who love to sing.
Last night I think we had all of them. It is a big bar and it was packed. I felt as if I was on stage in Vicar Street.
Marvellous buzz.

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