Porty People and Places

To see through a glass darkly ...

The view from the kitchen window provided an interesting juxtaposition between a Polish wood carved mobile and an out of focus seagull perched on a nearby ledge.

In the wider, wilder world, events in Canada's capital yesterday have shaken us all and our thoughts are with all those caught up in this latest atrocity.

Fireworks over Porty last night and tonight, on a happier note, are a reminder that the Festival of Diwali has arrived.

Known as the day to light the 'diya' signifying an inner spiritual awakening, this year the grand Hindu festival of Diwali falls on 23 October.

Sun glows for a day; Candle for an hour; Matchstick for a minute; But a wish glows forever. Here is my wish for a glowing Diwali and glowing life! Happy Diwali.
(From The International Business Times.)

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