Tired foxy lady

Up, breakfasted, dressed, at nursery as door opened. Result! Home and a few chores completed including charlottes cbeebies birthday card.

Went to see the vicar about Woms christening. As we are having it on a Saturday we have quite a lot of freedom with what we do. Really pleased with how it is shaping up.

On to meet munchies godmother and Woms godfather for an exceedingly lovely lunch. R and I stayed for pudding. Yummy.

Home, lovely surprise, daddy back.

We all went to collect Munchie, she was so excited to bring home a pumpkin. Another bonus of her nursery being at a farm. Tried to get her to try on her Halloween spider costume but she wasn't keen. She did however try on Woms waterproof for nursery. Rather scarily, it fitted her and although tight and short in the leg our almost three year old could get a 6-12 month waterproof on!

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