In the distance

I had an errand to run after work yesterday, about an hour away from my home. The day was dark gray, very windy and cold. I pulled off the road long enough to grab a quick snap of the windmills on the mountain. Not the sharpest or greatest of photos, but the only one I actually took today.

Once I got home, late in the afternoon, I took Riley for a walk, washed dishes, organized bank slips, fed the cats, and did a general tidying, then made dinner for Mr M, who worked day shift. Also, had a visit from a local welder who is going to repair our wood stove - it has a big hole in the baffle, which doesn't make for efficient heating. Hopefully next week it will be operational again, ready for the cold winter that I''m sure is on the way. I'm thankful we have someone close that can do the job - he is in great demand.

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