
Contrary to my naive prediction I found the tree chunk shifted a hundred yards or so WESTWARD after two days of high winds and high tides (I'd anticipated an Eastward drift).

Looking down from the garden at high tide I could see that it was not in its previous resting place, rough seas prevented me from wading along to look for it. Later I found it deposited close to the tideline half way between the burn and the garden.

More big winds and highish tides are forecast for the coming days. Will it shift east or west? Will it disappear altogether? I'm posting this in case this is the last I see of it.

My original title was 'forlorn' but that referred more to the soggy start to my day, the tree chunk likely didn't need the burden of my projections. The (newish) freezer is on the blink, so I spent the morning mopping up and rescuing its thawing contents. All now safely stored in neighbours' freezers.

Weather's closing in and I think that's likely me in for the weekend.

♯am reading/writing

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