On the way down

Today we walked up to Hampsfell Hospice above Grange over Sands. On a good day there would be fabulous views. The views were limited by the general greyness but it was still a fairly magical place and we could see a fair distance. We have quite a good shot looking down and across the Kent Estuary with the Railway viaduct and Arnside quite clear in the distance but this shot won the blip for today contest.

These two windswept trees and the "bubbly" eroded surface of the limestone grabbed my attention. I like the autumnal trees down below us and the bleakness of the rest of the landscape. It was incredibly windy up there so we didn't stay long before heading back down.

We could have gone back the same way as up but SHH decided we should take a different route, not once but twice, so we've been up and down lots of little paths and I took a slight bottom toboggan route at one point leading to collateral damage on the knee and elbow! I will survive...

I started the day at 7.30 by going for a swim so there's been plenty of exercise today which is just as well as we have been to the Local Food Producers' Market at Holker Hall this afternoon and acquired cake, cheese, smoked sausage and herb and garlic mackerel...

...and it's still only 4 pm!

More windswept

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