The extra hour was welcome this morning, and meant that we could get out of the house and over a couple of valleys to see this blipper's latest exhibition. Very impressive. Obviously I knew the photos would be great (and had had a sneak preview of some of them last year) but it was the feeling of the exhibition as a whole that surprised me. Anyway, I could go on but I won't. The exhibition is in Allendale, Northumberland: go if you get a chance, it closes on Friday...
Back then for a cup of tea with this blipper too and a quick catch up with their three gorgeous girls. And on to Allen Banks for a lovely walk which was mostly sheltered from today's howling gale. Lots of beautiful autumn colours, amusing dogs (with sticks so long that they smacked you on the legs as they hurtled by. Seeing an owner trying to find a place in his car for a 5 feet long log his Labrador had taken a fancy to, reminded me of many similar occasions when my kids were younger - until I put my foot down about the huge pile of sticks accumulating in the garden). Other photo opportunities included CarbBoy proving himself a powerful force of physical weathering in sliding down a forest bank, and Mr B managing an unnecessarily difficult riverbank with surprising elegance.
Home for Mr B to pack for a last minute trip to Coventry, and for me to make an underwhelming lamb curry for dinner. Downton on the telly and a reasonably early night for tomorrow's drive south.
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