Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Home and dry...

Spent my first dry day since last Thursday sitting in front of the pooter trying to salvage some decent shots from the 500 or so I took up and around Oban.

The note pad (bottom left in the pic) is a list of the files I'm deleting, the CalMac booklet (right) is helping me understand where the ships I photographed were coming from or going to and the (very obviously posed) mug was a present from my wife. Lucky me :-|

Interestingly I mistakingly posted a pic of Hebridean Isles sailing up the Sound of Mull on a CalMac website saying it was bound for Barra. Another poster put a pic up of the same ship 17 hours later going past Aberdeen bound for Leith. She was off for her annual maintenance programme. Clever stuff this internet.

The compilation on the screen will eventually be a cover for a 'Memory Lane' album - I put one together after each break or holiday.

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