
By JennyD

Book Group

A momentous meeting of the Book Group today. It has been running for over two years and for the first time nobody completed the book choice this month (A.S.Byatt). We are hoping for a better result with this one.
I posted a shot mid September of the puddles that form in the layby in front of our house and said I would complain to the highways dept, which I duly did.
This is the reply received today:
The area would benefit from some localised patching to remove the low areas. This work would constitute planned patching and there is a likelihood that it will not meet a high enough priority to be carried out this financial year, based on existing priorities and available budget to financial year end. In addition to this, any works order raised is afforded a 3 month completion time due to current contract requirements with our Team Maintenance contractor. The requirement will remain on the works list until such time as it becomes achievable. not soon then!
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