
Last night was hideous
No other words for it
All calm from 9:30-12:30 then went bad!

Munchie appeared in our room, I heard her coming so was ready for her, she went straight past me and got into Lee's side of the bed. She then said she wanted to go back to her room, which she did, escorted by me. It was only once I got her there did I twig she was probably sleep walking. I sat with her fir a while then whispered I had to go as Wom was awake. Wom had milk, just as he was settling the howling of a night terror started. Took ages, utterly ages to settle her. Usual things didn't work. In the end cold flannel in her forehead and teething gel soothed her? By the time I got back to bed it was 1:50, I played about on the Internet for some time waiting, wondering if either would wake. Wom did wake, more milk then settled. He woke again at 4:00, I grabbed him and brought him into our bed. Munchie woke around 5:30 but luckily we dozed till about 7:00

Up dressed and headed to see grandma. Lots of fun playing with the puppet theatre and piano. She can now climb on the rocking horse on her own!

Popped into town, saw so many people that grandma knew and lots I knew. Nice to catch up with some. Also saw grandfather fleetingly as he was working opposite where we had lunch. Charlotte gave him the most enormous, if brief hug!

Home, hoped for two sleeping bunnies in the car home, but only had one. The other one fought sleep. She's been a bit of a tinker this afternoon and we have almost fallen out. After tea she snuggled up on my lap and said I'm tired mummy. Daddy home.

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