The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Birthday Lunches

The drive back from Kintore on the Sunday was really tough going with incredibly strong winds so we were shattered when we got back to my sister's house. Jo and Stew made us a lovely roast chicken dinner and then we watched the Conjouring which was rather scary!

Steve, Niamh and I walked Aidan to school this morning and we said our goodbyes to him (I'll see him again on Friday as I am back up for some more wedding business). We then went to a wee local cafe for some breakfast and I had 2 potato scones with a fried egg. Oh my god how much I love tattie scones for breakfast!

We spent the morning looking after Niamh (imagine letting us be in charge of a small child!). She was on top form and gave us many laughs. She is such a cutie.

We took my mum out for a birthday lunch (you can see Niamh engrossed in the menu here!) before heading to the airport and coming back to our girls.

I have loved having a long weekend - not really sure I am jumping to get back to work tomorrow!

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