The Ties That Bind

I couldn't bring myself to shoot today so I hope for the reason below this shot will be allowed to remain on my journal page as my entry for the day.

Some of you who stop by will remember me telling of the passing of a homeless man,a gentle men and a gentleman, a man a lot like me in fact. He was close to me in age and when I met him in the city we would talk and I would, when he wanted, buy him some hot food. Here is the story.

Today he was laid to rest, like the lyric said buried with his name, nobody came. I believe he had relatives who were traced but they chose not to be involved. I could not have looked myself in the mirror had I let this day pass with the possibility that nobody would come. 4 pallbearers the minister and myself. No eulogy, nobody to deliver one, no hymns a simple committal and a prayer

I carry this photo of my twins with me, seen here at only a few hours old, tiny and beautiful and perfect. When I returned to the car I sat for a little while and just looked at the dog eared copy from my wallet. I could not bear the thought of ever being without them or being in a position where they would not want to know me or about me. I do not understand how difficult a choice that must be for people who have made it.

I hope you enjoy the shot if it is allowed to remain

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