At home

October Word Challenge Day 29: Home

Today It was just me and the dogs and sunny skies all day :)

The morning was taken up with a quick wander and some chores before an early lunch. I couldn't decide where to walk the woofers but ended up at Skaill, one of their favourites. On the way back to the car, the tide had gone out enough to provide plenty of sand for the furry idiots to run around chasing each other. I sat and watched while they zoomed back and forth and round and round in a blur of sand and fur. They are both truly at home on the beach.

It was such a lovely day that when we passed the Ring of Brodgar we stopped for another walk. Again they ran and ran, this time after bunnies as well as each other.

My Beautiful Man was waiting at home when we returned, we were all very glad to see him. The dogs are now in a very quiet and very still heap, tired hounds.

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