Lady in the Lake

Well as promised a story about the willow in Roy's bay

when I was working on the desk at the exhibition on the weekend one of our members came in to help, she come from a very well know family and still farm the land in these parts, her husband used to do a lot of deer recovery in the area and had survived 2 helicopter crashes, now the locals when they read this will know were I got the story from about the lady in the lake.

Many moons ago there were Station around the town, the lake was fenced off to keep the cattle and sheep out, down by Roy's Bay, a fence had been put there as well, the post that were used, came from willows trees the story goes that the fences were taken down and here were the tree stand one post remained, and grew into a willow, now I think that this must be true one because of the source and two the tree is very stunned and don't not seem to grow at all, so there you are I now look at it in a different light. I thought it was a nice story, hope you do too

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