
By Annieone

'Really Enjoying Her Treat'...........!

It's a very mild but dull day here today and even threatening rain earlier......!
so, Mel decided to come inside and you can see just how much she is enjoying her 'antler''s getting well chewed down....and the other chewy black thing is her 'Kong'.......if you have a dog with Very Strong Teeth and likes to must have one of these....again S was advised to get this for her......and it is the only thing that is has a hollow centre and she loves peanut butter rubbed all around the edge......she plays for ages chasing it and licking it out!!!

I have builders here today......they are putting up a front porch for us...
so it's been a game of dog out all morning...
one of them is afraid of her....she sounds quite wicked now when she barks and the hair stands on the back of her neck!!! but the other chap has made great friends with her.....
KB had a look at them from his perch on the wall and has taken to his bed in the utility room and says he's not coming out til' they are gone!!!

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