at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Cake monster!

Ivy woke up this morning with a new sound - she was going 'noh noh' whilst I made toast. Very very funny.

Her aunty roisin and her man came round to take ivy up knockan crag. Ivy decided she wasn't very Pro this plan when she realised I was saying 'byebye' and not coming too. They brought her back after an hour - which had given me enough time to start to tackle the mountains of clothes that needed folded.

We went down to the cheilidh place for lunch and ivy and I split a children's portion of chicken and chips. Ivy ate all the mayoinaise and then helped her aunty with the eating of brownie.

Ivy is thrilled with her new slide. She's invented her own sound to convey keeness for sliding - 'doo', not sure what she means. She can't get up the ladder yet, but if you sit her at the top she can wiggle forward onto the slide.

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