at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

halloween party

Village hall toddler party toda. Dressed Ivy up in her monkey suit. Lots of photos from the party on the toddler group facebook page. . See if you can spot Ivy sneaking up to steal a beautifully decorated biscuit (she just appeared with it all of a sudden) and dancing in the middle of the circle to make sure everyone can see her.

Ivy spent a lot of toddlers warming up for the action songs, and then when we got to the circle they did the hokey chokey instead which she didn't know. She was a little bit confussed- she can show off her new 'sit down' action next week. She did learn to 'turn around' though.

In the afternoon we went for coffee with Ayesha and Hannah who have been on holiday. Becky came to join us for coffee. Ivy sat on my knee and ate my cake for me- she shouted at me when I tried to eat some myself. I think she's got me on a diet.

Ivy's aunty Roisin arrived for dinner with her man. She's visitng scotland from Australia. They brought ivy a book she can read in the bath (which she did with her feet up- i'm so pleased she's gone back to fun baths again) and her new slide that we build after Ivy was in bed so she's not seen yet.

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