The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB


Spurn Point was breached yet again last winter, so until very recently the only way to get to the end was to walk the three and a half miles there and three and a half miles back, whilst trying not to be cut off by the tide.

However - the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has now bought a Unimog to make the trip to the point much easier and quicker (in theory!)

My bird group hired the Unimog and driver and took the trip today - the first bird group to do so apparently. In spite of looking so rugged it only just managed to get up the sandy inclines! I think they need a monster truck or something with caterpillar tracks!

It was good fun - we saw flocks and flocks of thrushes flying in (redwing, fieldfare, blackbirds as well as song thrushes). We also saw several goldcrest and a couple of lovely black redstarts - but in spite of all the great sightings, my best photo is this boring old starling in a brief burst of sunshine! (I'm not keen on starlings as they devour all the food I put out for the birds and have frightened off our garden great spotted woodpecker)

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