
Do we really SEE all the miracles around us, every day?

The glorious light of day, the clouds to bring rain, the mountains right around our town, a countless variety of trees, flowers, grass, birds, teeny insects, animals, beautiful people, love, ......... the list can go on and on and on, yet, we look around us and só often say: I have nothing to live for, life is só boring and nothing ever happens in my life!!

Come on all my dear Blipfriends and - family!! Let us open our eyes and our minds, appreciate the so- called simple things in life - but be aware of the fact that they are not really as simple as they seem!! They are miraculously great, none of us has the ability to copy them or improve on them!

Glorious knowledge, all of it is just there, for us to use and sometimes abuse, all for free!!

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