
By Fisherking

........she's still here..........

......and is the only thing that's kept me on an even keel today.

Woken at 12.45 last night....a phone call from my sis..............the assessment unit had received the results of Dad's latest blood tests....which showed severe they were calling an ambulance to take him as an emergency to A & E.

I couldn't get up and drive back up there...I'd had a couple of drinks...........but I didn't sleep much. My sis rang back early this morning......she'd been up all's kidneys aren't working properly........but he's not losing he's dehydrated but can't have any fluids until he gets rid of the water he's holding.........he's delirious...but they can't get a catheter or an IV line in to him because he's resisting.

I didn't know what to do.......we still have Charlie..........neither of us slept much.......the Boss made me have breakfast.......and go to my hair appointment...and then I phoned the hospital........who told me everything had settled down....Dad was lucid...on IV painkillers and fluids.......a catheter was doing its job.......everything was ok.

So I've stayed at home........spent some time with Charlie....and marked some books.....I need to get them up to date or there will be questions at work.......and I'm not ruining a perfect 35 year record............and I need to keep the gaffers sweet as I may need some time off if things take a turn for the worst.

My sis has phoned again tonight.....Dad is sedated......he didn't wake up all the time she was now I have another I go tomorrow.......120 miles when I'm tired......and the weather is supposed to be crap.....and I may just sit beside the bed of a sleeping Dad for the 45 minute visiting time........or do I stay here....go into work......sort out the rest of my marking.......make some plans for various scenarios over the next few weeks.....and maybe go up on Saturday.

Friends advice is to ring the hospital again in the morning and check if he is going to be kept sedated all day...........and take it from there.

Charlie has gone home now........I think I'm going to miss her.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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