.....thanks for tea at the pub Grandad............

Slept for 7 1/2 hours last night......and only woke up once.........still concerned about the future for Dad.

Have tried to sort out my own stuff......booked a haircut........and a doctor's appointment..........marked some books (still bloody loads to do!).....and Charlie has spent the afternoon with us.

She and the Boss went for a walk........fed the ducks.......found where the parakeets are nesting.............paddled in the stream..............and then we went to the pub for tea.

She's sound asleep now............the Daughter is home.......I'm feeling sleepy...haven't even spoken to hebs after her operation........need to mark more books tomorrow...call in to work on Friday........and do several other niggly little jobs...........so that I have nothing to do except a doctor's appointment and the club AGM on Monday........and a physio visit on Tuesday........I definitely need a couple of quiet(ish) days to myself before we go back to work.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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