Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Its that time of year again where everyone makes the 'then take your mask off then' joke and everyone stresses about what to wear.

Halloween can go one of two ways. One being you make a huge effort, you either dress up in something really funny or punny that is really good and you go to town or a house party and get really drunk and its either horrendous or fabulous.

Or two, you stay in, complain that its not even a real holiday and it's all an American fad and you hate dressing up and you're British and grumpy. And you hate trick or treaters.

This year, I'm number two. Even though, I love dressing up but I have no where to go, so this year is a repeat of last year where Sarah's coming over and we are going to watch a film and look on facebook at everyone's great night.

Not to sound too much like a grumpy old man.

Happy Blipping.

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