Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Monthly Update

I'm 19 months old today ! Here I am in my PJs, next to the measuring giraffe which says I am 86cm tall.

This month I have learned how to nod and shake my head and how to say 'yeah'. I can understand quite a few questions and answer with one of these responses, but sometimes I just try one of them even if I don't know the answer.

I have also been asking questions. Specifically, I ask what someone is doing, but I miss out the 'what is' part. I might say "Mum doing?".

I have also learned how to count up to eight. I've done that at least once. I'm counting to four quite often. I like to count my toys in the bath and to help Dad count out the scoops for my milk.

I can say my own name now when asked what it is. Sometimes I need someone to point at me while asking for me to understand, and I say 'Orl' rather than 'Orla', but I know it's my name. I can also recognise photos of myself as 'Orl' - I used to say 'baby'.

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