Sir Alexander Mackenzie

A dull day so not the best for taking photos. We went to the Parish Church In Avoch to have a look around the graveyard as I wanted to find the grave and memorial to Alexander Mackenzie.
There were lots of interesting grave stones from one man who had died in an accident as a Guard on the Highland Railway to a boat builder in Avoch. I find it interesting to see the occupations and the sense of pride in their jobs, not sure it's the same today.
Lots of redwings were feeding on the berries in the yew trees and they flew off as we approached.
There are several large graves in the grounds with this one being one of the most significant. The enclosed area contains several plaques, flags and his grave is marked by a ' copy of the inscription he left at Bella Coola River in British Columbia when in 1793 he completed the Canadian crossing from the Peace river to the pacific Ocean coast. See more here

He was born in Stornoway and after time in New York and his adventures in Canada he settled in Avoch where he married the 14 year old Geddes Mackenzie , heiress to Avoch. Her fathers first cousin was governor of the Hudson Bay Company. He died of Brights disease in 1820. The Mackenzie river in Canada is named after him.
With efforts by a Ross shire war veteran , Gregor Mackintosh helped to restore the grave and it has continued to grow in interest and is visited by many Canadian Visitors.

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