
What a difference a day makes! We had our first dusting of snow this morning, but it was such a small amount that I never even saw it, as I was already at work & apparently it just melted as it hit the ground! When I came out of work though, the wind was in full force--some 50 miles per hour-- it was a chilly 38 degrees, & me with only my light spring jacket on! As you can see from the picture, the Lake was really putting on a show, so I parked on the edge of the road on my way home & ran to the bluff to take some hands were frozen, & as much as I hate to say it, it's time to break out the winter jackets!
As I turned around to walk back to the car, I saw a police car pulled up behind MY car--what the heck! So I get up there & he says "Is this your car?" (Brilliant deduction, as it's the only vehicle there & I'm the only person around!). "yes". Do you know you're parked in a no-parking zone?" (Obviously not!) "I've lived here for years & people park along here all the time" was my reply. "Can't you read the signs?" says the cop. "Since when are there signs" I ask. "They were put up yesterday" is his reply! Well I'll be darned, as there WERE signs, but in the 25 years we've lived here, there's never been "no Parking" signs there before. "Nope, I didn't notice them or I wouldn't have parked here" I tell him. He says nothing in reply. "Oh no, am I under arrest?" I laughingly say to the cop---bad move, as he apparently had no sense of humor & didn't find it funny! So I was let go with a warning as "some people have a bit of a learning curve"--I didn't know if I should be annoyed or relieved! I can just see the headlines in the little local paper: "Blipper breaks basic law--blind to newly posted bulletins!! :)) (even more impressive in LARGE)

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