what we did today...

By SarnieV

Happy Halloween

A very late blip today. This is the delicious meal I had this eve with friends at The Papermill in Lasswade. It was an entertaining evening with some very odd looking waitresses. The Papermill had done hallowe'en big style and their waitresses had contact lenses that made the coloured bit of their eyes white ...it was weird! Once we'd ordered we didn't need to look at them too much so it didn't put us off our food.

I think I was probably giving good grounds for divorce earlier. I took the boys out guising, they came back with a huge pile of sweeties and had been allowed to tuck in en-route. I then left A to put them to bed while I went on a nice girls night out.

I'd better go to bed now as tomorrow I have 2 boys coming round in the morn because their baby bro is in hospital v poorly, and later have 2 other boys arriving for a sleepover while their mum goes out. It'll be a full on day!

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