
By Moiety

Theatre in Tampere

This evening we had the pleasure of watching my niece Anne act in a play called Heikko signaali or A weak signal. The theatre group was called Tukkateatteri, Hair Theatre Group - they could not tell themselves, either, why this name was chosen for the theatre - so far they have not performed Hair, anyway.

We came to Tampere from Vesilahti and decided to check out the Sky Bar of Hotel Torni (the tallest housing building in Finland) that was opened a few weeks ago. The bar was quite crowded and the champagne was lukewarm, but the views were so breathtaking that it covered up for everything else. My mother even compared the experience to having visited the Empire State Building in New York.

In the blip the ticket booth/foyer of the theatre. The girl here told us that the director of the play had baked the cinnamon rolls herself just before the play. The buns both smelled and tasted wonderful. As you can see here it was quite a small theatre with a homely touch to it, so nice.

It was so nice to see Anne bloom on the scene - it seemed that she really enjoyed acting, she was so natural, effortless, and her articulation was very clear and sounded beautiful! All in all an excellent experience!

There were ten members of the family in the audience: my mother, Eija and Timo, Leena and her two sons, Vertti and Severi, myself and A, plus my too sons, Pirkka and Petri. Anne told us afterwards that she had been a bit nervous because the audience was mostly composed of her family members (the theatre seats 35 people), but that in the end we proved to be a very appreciative audience with the laughs and applauds in the correct places to support the actors.

Afterwards Eija invited us all to her house for a debriefing session over wine and delicious mushroom pie, which also Anne joined later. We drove back home to Tyven with my mother close to midnight in a clear weather which promised better weather for the next day.

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