With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


So Little Old Mrs Pepperpot passed on her words of wisdom to Suc, and I am now trying to get some tips. The best cat advice so far is ...don't.....

My stupid *!*/¿·" back, is not functioning, will not let me walk more than a few steps without the risk of a few new words being added to the dictionary and needs to be sent back to the menders. Agu is away until tomorrow and I am stuffed. Except, of course, there are lovely people like Aaron and Marisa and Ben who went to the shop, and Agu who helped do the washing and got wood for the fire, and my old friend Kashvi, who wrote me a lovely message, and my sister AKHF who made me laugh and a thousand other things that make me very lucky. OK. gush gush gush.

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