Simply Me

By Suze981

A moment of calm

Busy day today, I feel like I haven't stopped and I'm so tired. In all reality I haven't even done that much - but this house stuff is quite stressful really.

I need to start running again properly - I feel stressed quite a lot of the time at the moment.

Anyway, I was up early to get some more bathroom supplies from town. Then Mum and Ian came back to do more work in the bathroom. In between I discovered yet another problem in the flat and in a mad frenzy ended up cutting up my curtains. We're calling it curtain-gate. Don't ask. I managed to sort it out. But I do now need to buy new curtains. Doh.

This is a wee moment of calm with my boy. He's a little unsettled with all the flat commotion and the random fireworks outside. Poor wee lamb.

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