At any Time.....

.....according to the sign!

Had a busy day at work today but was home 3 hours earlier than expected due to a last minute cancellation. Result for me.

This evening, I took Daughter Number 1 to the station to collect her lovely Boyfriend Micky ready for a night out. I asked her if I could take their picture tonight as I didnt have a blip yet. Luckily Micky embraced it, Emily wasn't so keen and said I couldn't do it right outside the restaurant, so here we have the dimly lit station...and the 'At any Time' sign! I thought it was about time Micky featured in my blips. Hes such a sweetie and certainly makes my Daughter very happy. Unfortunately, there are still a few Old Fossil issues that still get in the way sadly, but I really like him.

Spent the evening trying to sort out my lap top that was totally reset after having a new hard drive installed. Mr W kindly sorted out word for me and put all my Documents back on, then when I asked where all my photos were, he said he didn't back them up as apparently I had said 'don't will take too long'. Well, I had a total meltdown - of course! The thought of loosing all my photos from the last 4 years was too much to bear. Photography is my life (after my children and husband of course!) and I couldn't understand why he would think I would say 'don't bother, I don't need all my photos I spend hours taking for no reason'. I tried to stay calm but ..... I didnt! Then just as I was sobbing my little heart out, Mr W said 'oh heres a folder' and started listing the titles of all the albums I had made. Well, the sobbing continued but out of pure relief this time. I missed most of X Factor!!! Thank Fudge Cake for that.I just wish I knew more about computers so I could deal with it all myself as relying on Mr W to sort it out might be a bit unfair as no one really totally understands me and my love for photography. And Blip!

Think I have gone on long enough. Safe to say, all my pictures are there, sitting happily on his external hard drive. Hes gone off to work now. Another night. Another storey. Ill save that for another time!


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