Can't walk won't walk

Grandma and grandad came round this afternoon to see the kiddies and tinker with a new gadget that Mr J has got.

About half an hour after they arrived P suddenly declared that her leg hurt and that she couldn't walk. She had no recollection as to why it hurt but was in desperate need of grandma cuddles. Me and Mr J were both like 'Pah! She's putting on!' But she's actually kept it up all afternoon, even till bedtime. She refused to come to the park or the shops. She wouldn't even walk to the kitchen for a lollipop. (We're now wondering if maybe she has hurt herself.) So the afternoon consisted of watching Frozen, eating a yummy roast dinner and carrying P around the house!

Little A on the other hand is desperate to walk. He just wants to be held upright all the time. He can stand for a few seconds by himself with his walker or next to furniture. I put him in his door bouncer to give my back and arms a rest and he had us all in stitches when he was holding on at the top!

Oh and Little A has sprouted another new tooth! They just keep on coming. Pop pop pop

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