Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Heart of the matter

I'm appalled that I have not taken any pictures in days. Not like me but nothing has grabbed my attention and whenever the boys seem to have done anything new or interesting I haven't had my phone or camera to hand.
Isaac is still sleeping all night yay!
Elliot is hit and miss but if he does wake and won't settle in his cot he usually falls asleep as soon as he comes into bed with us (which at least means we all get sleep).
We've had our first proper injury. Elliot pushed Isaac over when they were at my parents and he has cut his nose and the bit between your nose and your lip. They were playing football and both wanted the same ball.

They have not stopped eating for the last few days so I think we are having a bit of a growth spurt, also they haven't stopped fighting over toys and it's driving me crazy.

I'm still not myself, I realised the other day that I seem to have lost my interest in all the things I had a passion for before the boys.
Nothing seems to grab my attention anymore

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