Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Tired boy

The boys seen to have more or less cracked this night time sleeping business. We are only getting one wake up at around 1am atm which is great.
Currently Elliot is snoring away and Isaac is yawning/grizzling instead of sleeping! He's a bit snotty and seems to have had a windy tummy which has left him unsettled since tea time. So I think someone might be having an extra feed tonight unless he goes off to sleep properly.
Even though they are sleeping better I'm still shattered think my body got used to minimal sleep.

Once we've got rid of the 1am feed we are going to need to get bedtime earlier and waking up time later but I think sleeping through is the main challenge.

Finally tidied the back bedroom also known as the dumping ground I was aiming to do it before the boys arrived as opposed to 11 weeks after they arrived lol.
It's going to be their playroom but we need to get it re plastered and the damp sorted (the joys of living in a cottage that is over 100 years old and full of black mortar). No rush to get it done butI can't beat em, so I join em and they go down at 7:30 and I either have ME TIME or go down early too. I'd prefer it to be done before the end of January (like that'll happen).

Mr L will be taking the boys to see his mother on his own tomorrow. Mainly as he needs to talk to her about visiting/ringing during pre bath quiet time and to give her back the hideous outfits she bought the boys and explain we are not dressing them like that for a number if reasons including the fact they aren't girls (they are a tad feminine in my opinion) and they are rather cheap looking (don't get me wrong I love primark tesco clothes etc but these outfits just scream market stall to me). I sound so snobby!!! It's just they are really not the sort of thing we'd buy or put them in and I can't understand why she thought we'd like them. But I want to try and nip it in the bud before Christmas.

The weather has been foul all day we've had a mini power cut and are hoping it was a one off especially with two little ones. We had one just before the boys were born and they said it would be resolved by a certain time which kept on getting put back all the time we ended up being without power all of the day in the end.

I hate to break it too the boys but mummy is not cool even if their PJs say I am I'm most defo a geek and proud of it too

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