Late afternoon Edinburgh street...

...scenes have inspired many painters. This view has changed for ever. Come to think of it they have inspired the odd poet too. This is not Princes Street (but almost), however, this from Wilfred Owen who wrote this while in hospital at Craiglockhart.

Six O'Clock in Princes Street

In twos and threes, they have not far to roam,
Crowds that thread eastward, gay of eyes;
Those seek no further than their quiet home,
Wives, walking westward, slow and wise.

Neither should I go fooling over clouds,
Following gleams unsafe, untrue,
And tiring after beauty through star-crowds,
Dared I go side by side with you;

Or be you in the gutter where you stand,
Pale rain-flawed phantom of the place,
With news of all the nations in your hand,
And all their sorrows in your face.

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