From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

AAAARGGGHHHHHHH! Gimme back my hour!

Horror of horrors! Mondays are never the greatest days of the week anyway but I always feel extra tired when I have travelled back down the country. Holding a broomstick on course on a windy day is always hard work!

I could have cried when the clock went off this morning at 5am and stood with my eyes shut as the reviving warm water trickled over me, soapy lather everywhere. I had the bathroom radio blaring while I was in the shower as usual and was just rinsing shampoo out of my hair wondering where the normal presenter was when I heard '....and good morning to those of you just joining us at 4:20...' What?!!! Groan!

I realised what had happened. My DAB clock radio always sorts itself out for daylight saving but of course it hadn't been on for over a week so hadn't adjusted itself. All I did yesterday was set the alarm but never switched the radio on or checked the time! I'm an idiot!!! Oh well. I finished my shower, got dressed and then got back under the duvet with wet hair. It was a nice doze anyway trying to recapture pleasant dreams but you should have seen the state of my hair after lying down with it wet! I had handlebars sticking out everywhere making me look madder than usual. Marvellous it was not. Good job I was working from home today. I'd have caused an accident if I'd gone out!

Work was fine and I got loads of things done despite feeling a bit tired.

I refilled all the bird feeders and was surprised to see a cat and a crow having a staring competition when I went out there. They both fled as soon as they were aware of me and my camera was inside anyway. While I was there, a massive hedgehog marched across the lawn towards me and I quickly put down some mealworms on the patio for him. Here he is!

The squirrel catching the sun won the prize today over the load of starlings that turned up too.

Go large...

Track? I quite fancy this sweet number from Peter and Gordon in 1964 - A World Without Love

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