at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Kissmiss (christmas) is Ivy's new word for the day. I think she thinks it means anything shiny / sparkly/ brightly coloured.

Ivy and I treked to Inverness today so she could see her peaditrician about her weight. It was a bit touch and go as to wether we were going to make it, since the bus back to Ullapool was full- but Bryony gave us a lift home.

Ivy was impecably behaved, she slept on the bus on the way there and the whole way back in the car. She was very calm for the nurses weighing her and the doctor examining her and she ate her lunch beautifully. She did disappear off for an explore in a shop by herself and get temporaly misplaced- but she didn't notice so that was fine.

Her peadetrician is pleased with her- in fact he says she's "advanced". He did hear a heart mumur though- which is probably nothing but it means YET more tests.

After her appoitnment I took her across to Dobbies for lunch (where she got lost for a bit) and she spent almost an hour being fascinated by the kissmiss decorations. I think given her new found love of tinsel, our christmas decorations are going to be off the scale tacky this year. I'm exctied. Got her a new hat with a rudolf on it so she can have a little bit of Kissmiss every day (I know it's not got past armistice yet- but she's only wee and she doesn't know that...)

She stood in her tower this morning and helped stir my morning coffee and spread the butter on our toast. I wonder how long it'll be before she makes cofee by herself...

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