at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

I can't have my dinner- i'm reading!

I suspect scenes like this will be ones we'll experience alot in the coming years, Ivy not coming to the table to have her dinner because she's 'busy'

This morning Ivy helped me build a bookcase- she passed the screws and even helped to the hold the nails for me to hammer them (very very cautiously before anyone panics like Euan did when I told him that)

She ate so much chedder cheese at lunch time she fell asleep (a cheese comma) before Euan came home at lunch time- which was good because it meant she awake in time to go to softplay.

At softplay she fell down teh gap between the bouncycastle and the crashmat which was quite terrfying. I thought she was going to suffocate of be crushed. On my rush over to rescue her, there was a little boy whose feet were heading right for where Ivy's head would be and I properly swept him out the way and onto his back on the crashmat to rescue her. He was fine- but rather shocked at being thrown about by an adult he didn't know.

Went to see Katy afterwards for coffee, she invited me to the theatre so I went after Ivy was in bed. It was a very interesting performance, a very intimate production dealing with themes of rape and suicide and the sanctity of life against a background of a twisted neverland. Don't you know.

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