An Unwelcome Visitor

Today was Melbourne Cup day. We attended a function further up the glen, near where the fires have been burning. No sign of any activity there at present but no doubt they are still smoldering so were are hoping there is no extreme weather to whip them up again.

I intended to blip something from the luncheon, but when we called at the farm on the way home we found this intruder right at the back door. It has been lurking around for a while. In fact I saw it yesterday as well. It lives (d) under the house.

I don't mind snakes in their natural habitat, but not this close to home when we are likely to have young children visiting. Red-bellied black snakes are not as venomous as some Australian snakes but would very likely be fatal to a child.

All snakes are protected in Australia, so let me just say this one is unlikely to be causing us any more trouble ;-)

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