
By badasian

Book Blip

When I read that several blippers were going to do book blips in honor of World Book Day, I knew I would hop on board.

I remember the first time I walked with my dad to the real library (as opposed to the school library); I was 7 years old, I think. I was so excited. I sat in the children's section for so long looking at all the books and finally picked one out - a huge book of fairy tales. I liked books just fine prior to that (especially the Beatrix Potter books), but that day pretty much sealed my life-long love of reading, and eventually, writing.

I don't think I've ever not had a "to read" pile. I get a little antsy if I'm reading a book without another one waiting in the wings. I'll read almost anything, but I do love a good novel, mystery or beach read. Ok, so I'm also a comic book geek. :)

I've contemplated going digital - getting a kindle or similar e-reader, so that I don't have to find more space on my bookshelves for more books, but there is something about feeling a book in your hands and turning the pages that just can't be replaced.

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