bucks life

By bucksmiss

Effing cars...

Well the day started early, dipped in the middle and then improved.

I had to prepare for my seminar so was up and showered by 6.30am then went back to bed to work for 2 and a half hours (as you do! Well, as I do) then was up and in the office for 9.30am. I got a bit of work done amid the usual 'pre exam' nerves I always get before giving a presentation of any type.

Then things went downhill when I got into the car to leave for the seminar, to a message which said 'steering lock service needed' and it refused to start. Hmmmm. What a load of rubbish. Luckily, one of my colleagues came out to his car at that moment so I cadged a lift with him. (Then had to arrange a lift home after the seminar from one of the delegates who happens to live near me, thank goodness. The story will continue tomorrow as I need to get to work somehow...)

We got to the venue in Wyboston Lakes with plenty of time to spare so I made a few calls and prepared quietly, reading my notes. The seminar went very well. Rather than being a series of individual presentations as usual, six of us did a more conversational case study type seminar (covering charity governance, contracts, employment, pension, property and construction law) involving the audience as much as possible. I really enjoyed this format and I think our delegates did too. It helped that there were some friendly faces in the audience. I also enjoyed the bun fight too and had some good chats with our guests.

I was dropped back home at 7.30pm and L has finished the kitchen and is now working on the hall. I must say, it all looks ab fab and here is a picture of my new bright kitchen. Just brilliant. The work surfaces have also had a good coating of teak oil too. I'm a very lucky lady.

I had a call from Ian, the Christmas turkey man in the village this evening. We've done a deal and I'm going to take a look at some legal papers for him and give my opinion on them and in exchange he's going to give us a free turkey. Result!

I need to try to get the car sorted while I'm in Sheffield tomorrow. Could be tricky. I'm determined not to get cross and huffy. It won't get me anywhere!

Ps I heard Teddy got his first tooth yesterday. At last!

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