bucks life

By bucksmiss

Full Monty Country

It cost me £20 to get to work in a cab today which wasn't too bad. But when I got to my sick car, it started first time with no hint of effing steering wheel trouble. Hmmmm.

So, at least I got to chauffeur myself and a colleague up to Sheffield for a meeting at 1pm. It was a beautiful day and an easy run. Back in the office, my miserable colleague (I think quite deliberately) misunderstood an email I sent yesterday asking for some help and then tried to blame me for the fall out. Cheeky sod. When he's stressed, he has to ensure that everyone else is stressed too. I hate people like that. Thank goodness I was out of the office all day and he's out for the next two!

My blip is of part of the playing field of the school we were visiting. Not hugely inspiring, as it is really a photo for work purposes so I've jazzed it up as best I could. It was a successful trip from my perspective and we were back on the road by 3pm with another good run and I got back home after a quick trip to Waitrose (with my 10% card!) by 6.45pm.

I made a yummy pea, prawn, salmon and bacon pasta for tea and have settled down to watch the Apprentice but I have another early start as I need to write part of an urgent tender we need to submit by Friday so it had better be an early night.

L has now finished decorating the hall and stairs - hurrah! And I think I've chosen the colours for some accent walls in the kitchen and sitting room - How about Indian Yellow and Churlish Green?!

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