Fred & Andy

By FredAndy

Lady selling her wares

Today we went to the beach again this morning but then it clouded over so decided to grab the rain macs and head into town. It was raining on and off all afternoon but it was still nice walking around. This scene is taken from a riverside cafe ... pretty typical ... man sitting on bench while lady is busy working. We've noticed in Vietnam that the ladies seem to work a lot harder than the men. A huge generalisation and perhaps not correct but lots of men drinking tea and playing dominos while women running restaurants, guest houses, working on the market, rowing sampans down the river (while the men are on the motorised boats) ... just an observation!

More cocktails this evening ... we'll have to break this habit but its very cheap here. Back to the hotel then Skype with Farida's dad and FaceTime with Andy's mum. Great to catch up with people :-)

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