
Don’t you just love beech leaves at this time of year. They don’t give in to the wind and rain, they just cling on, knowing they look beautiful, and are scornful of all the weaker, leaves that have succumbed to the weather and now lie in a soggy mess on the ground.

Thank you for the response to my poppies blip yesterday. I was pleased that many people read what I had written and commented so positively. One book that was referred to was ‘Singled Out’ by Virginia Nicholson. If you want to know more about it, use the link that emhowl added to her comment. Suffice here to say that it is about what happened to the two million women who were left without men after the First World War. They had been brought up to believe that marriage and children were their birthright, but discovered that there were just not enough men to go round. At one point they were known as the ‘Surplus Women’. I will return to this subject with some examples from my own family, as it is a subject I have been fascinated by for some years.

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