
By CoffeePotter

Lunchtime Dash

I forgot to take any lunch to work today, so dashed to the shops at one o'clock to buy something to stop me curling over and expiring during the afternoon.

These flowers were in the shop, and I thought what a pretty display they made.

That's it now for me for the week - back to work on Monday. At least I shall be able to see a bit of daylight for the next four days. I really don't like the winter, when it means going out and coming back in the dark.

We survived another session of kayaking last night - or rather the other people managed to survive by avoiding us. There were some HUGE big canoes in the pool this time, and they looked pretty scary when the bows were heading towards us at ramming speed, and we're not yet quite nimble enough to make a sharp exit. All was well though, and we made it through another lesson.

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